Use the Stacks blockchain archive

Discover how to use the Hiro Archive to spin up a Stacks node.

Where to download archives

Stacks blockchain archives for each network can be found at the following locations:

The file name patterns are as follows:

  • archive: <NETWORK>-stacks-blockchain-<VERSION>-<DATE(YYYYMMDD)>.tar.gz
  • shasum: <NETWORK>-stacks-blockchain-<VERSION>-<DATE(YYYYMMDD)>.sha256

There is a continually updated archive and shasum which always points to the most recent upload:

  • archive: <NETWORK>-stacks-blockchain-latest.tar.gz
  • shasum: <NETWORK>-stacks-blockchain-latest.sha256

or the most recent upload for a particular version:

  • archive: <NETWORK>-stacks-blockchain-
  • shasum: <NETWORK>-stacks-blockchain-

Restoring a Stacks blockchain node using the Hiro Archive

  1. Download the archive and shasum for the appropriate network.
  2. Verify the archive with the shasum.
  3. Extract the archive into the desired directory:
    # Target directory must already exist
    tar -zxvf <ARCHIVE FILE> -C /target/directory
  4. Configure the working_dir property in your Stacks blockchain node Config.toml file to match the directory you extracted the archive to.
  5. Launch your Stacks blockchain node. You can use one of these example configuration files as a reference.
  6. Verify the dataset is being used by comparing your nodes local block height with Hiro's. If the block height matches or is close to Hiro's block height, the restoration was successful.
    1. It may take a few minutes for the local node to respond on this endpoint.
    2. Your block height may be up to a few hundred blocks away from Hiro's depending on the age of the archive. It should catch up relatively quickly.