Get transactions by block

Retrieves transactions confirmed in a single block.


Get transactions by block

Retrieves transactions confirmed in a single block

Path Parameters

integer | string

filter by block height, hash, index block hash or the constant latest to filter for the most recent block

Status codeDescription
200List of transactions

curl -X GET ""

GET request that returns transactions

  "limit": 200,
  "offset": 0,
  "total": 0,
  "results": [
      "tx_id": "string",
      "nonce": 0,
      "fee_rate": "string",
      "sender_address": "string",
      "sponsor_nonce": 0,
      "sponsored": true,
      "sponsor_address": "string",
      "post_condition_mode": "allow",
      "post_conditions": [
          "principal": {
            "type_id": "principal_origin"
          "condition_code": "sent_equal_to",
          "amount": "string",
          "type": "stx"
      "anchor_mode": "on_chain_only",
      "block_hash": "string",
      "block_height": 0,
      "block_time": 0,
      "block_time_iso": "string",
      "burn_block_height": 0,
      "burn_block_time": 0,
      "burn_block_time_iso": "string",
      "parent_burn_block_time": 0,
      "parent_burn_block_time_iso": "string",
      "canonical": true,
      "tx_index": 0,
      "tx_status": "success",
      "tx_result": {
        "hex": "string",
        "repr": "string"
      "event_count": 0,
      "parent_block_hash": "string",
      "is_unanchored": true,
      "microblock_hash": "string",
      "microblock_sequence": 0,
      "microblock_canonical": true,
      "execution_cost_read_count": 0,
      "execution_cost_read_length": 0,
      "execution_cost_runtime": 0,
      "execution_cost_write_count": 0,
      "execution_cost_write_length": 0,
      "events": [
          "event_index": 0,
          "event_type": "smart_contract_log",
          "tx_id": "string",
          "contract_log": {
            "contract_id": "string",
            "topic": "string",
            "value": {
              "hex": "string",
              "repr": "string"
      "tx_type": "token_transfer",
      "token_transfer": {
        "recipient_address": "string",
        "amount": "string",
        "memo": "string"